Here’s this week’s progress on dimensional-gateway-guarding librarians now with a bonus of an escaped werewolf-type creature from another dimension!

Project: Librarians
Deadline: May 31, 2013
New words written: None
Present total word count: 14,900

Things accomplished in fiction: Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Next up: Words. Hopefully.

Things accomplished in real life: I finally managed to get caught up with my Scala homework and finished a short story to send to The First Line Magazine. No running, no excercise just zombification in front of the computer. And knitting. My hands are blue from knitting. Now that I’m caught up with Scala, I think I can manage to return to my normal weekly rhythm. Also, tonight around 3 AM Helsinki time I start a short fiction course with the inimitable Mary Robinette Kowal. I can’t tell you how happy and nervous I am about that.